How many letters in the Answer?

Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate Aug 24 2006

'Gracious!' MY
'Hail, Caesar!' AVE
'Law & Order' extra COP
'That '70s Show' character KELSO
21 players often split them ACES
Actress Thompson LEA
Apprehend NAB
Bad thing to be behind EIGHTBALL
Barristers' org. ABA
Beelzebub's forte EVIL
Birthright barterer ESAU
Blueprint addition ELL
Costa del -- SOL
Cut, in a way SAWED
Droop SAG
Eggs OVA
Exist ARE
Football ref, slangily ZEBRA
Gator's kin CROC
Gridlock ingredients AUTOS
Grow out of control SNOWBALL
Hacienda, e.g. CASA
HBO outlet CABLE
Hit hard SLUG
Hot tub SPA
Indivisible ONE
Legal document WRIT
Makes hospital corners TUCKS
Online diary BLOG
Packed away ATE
Pantheon member GOD
Paradise EDEN
Pastime GAME
Pays under the table BRIBES
Pelt FUR
Phantom's concealer MASK
Pizzeria servings SLICES
Pump up the volume AMP
Puncturing tools AWLS
Raw rock ORE
Read quickly SCAN
Reed instrument OBOE
Region ZONE
Regret RUE
Sheet of stamps PANE
Sleeping ABED
Spaghetti partner MEATBALL
Take a whack at TRY
Takes the helm STEERS
The gang PALS
Theater box LOGE
Trilled SANG
Trophy holder RACK
TV series created by Michael Crichton ER
Unruly crowds MOBS
Unwilling to listen DEAF
Verve ELAN
Volcanic outflow LAVA
Wapiti ELK
Young chap LAD
Zero NIL
Zodiac beast LEO
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