Our most popular, lightning fast, accurate and regularly updated word solver. Since 2013 this has been the trusted go-to solver for thousands of savvy players every single day. Don’t forget to bookmark it.
Anagrammer Word Finder

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Words with Friends is a multiplayer word game, very similar to the classic board game Scrabble. It's a cross-platform game available for Android, iOS/iphone, Windows phones and tablets, kindle fire, also on social networking sites such Facebook or so.
It is never safe to assume that the longer the word, the higher the score. This is not always the case since it depends on the Scrabble letter values as well as the placement of letters and words on premium squares on the board.
Powerful engine to find anagrams that can be made using the letters in your name. Take it for a spin, see what you can find hidden in your name and then share the animation of your discovery with your friends.
Anagrammer has compiled the largest database consisting of millions of words, definitions and thesaurus entries and an ever expanding database of clues and answers to your unsolved crossword puzzles.
Use our Draw Something Cheat to find what word your friends are drawing. Using our magical Draw Something Cheat tool you can solve every drawing. Simply enter the letters and select the length of the answer.
The fastest, most complete Words With Friends help site on the net. We are the best free resource to generate words from your rack letters. Sort results by word, length and point value. Advance search capabilities allow you to search with prefix and suffix to play off of letters and words that are already on the board
Beat the Cheaters or be the cheater, whatever it takes to win! This Word Finder uses the entire board! Words with Friends®, the Scrabble® Crossword game, WordFeud, and Lexulous are supported. Play in English, French, Italian, or Dutch.
Use our Visual Board Solver. This solving board allows you to place your tiles and answers directly on the board of your choice. Works for Scrabble, Words With Friends, WordFeud, Lexulous and more.
The ultimate selection of word lists for the Scrabble crossword game to help you master the game! These word lists could also be used for Lexulous, Scrabble, Words With Friends, Wordscraper, Scrabulous, Jumble words and more.
Check if a word is in one or more of the most popular Scrabble or Words with Friends Dictionaries. Check SOWPODS, English tournament words, ENABLE, French, Italian and Dutch word lists. Get definitions for English words.
You can use the Hanging With Friends Word Builder to help you build a word from the 12 letters at the beginning of your turn. Build difficult words for your opponent to try and solve. You can also use the Hanging With Friends Solver to solve for the word on your turn.
Do you want to be able to beat everybody in the real face to face match. It is time that you spend some time and learn some key scrabble words to gain the edge every game. This is a powerful flashcard system for studying and quizzing yourself.
Become a trivia wiz by studying thousands of questions. We will give you flashcards with questions and answers from thousands of Jeopardy archives. Choose your category and start learning.
Scrabble Solver using our French dictionary.
A simple online tool for unscrambling/solving scrambled words, typically useful in generating valid words from puzzle games such as Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordscraper, TextTwist etc. So, if you need any help (or perhaps, you want to cheat a little) in such word games, this site will help you in that
Scrabble Solver using our Italian dictionary.
This is a different type of a solver. Very fun to use and extremely powerful. Take it for a spin, you might want to bookmark it, it is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.
Did you get stuck on any level? Solve and find all the answers for 7 little words. Soon, you will be able to visit daily for updates of answers.
Everybody loves hangman, and here is the best solver for the game.
Solve 3x3 and 5x5 Boggle puzzles with this nifty Boggle Solver. Are you playing Scramble with Friends? Try the Scramble with Friends Word Finder.
For all you Wordfeud fans, results can be quickly sorted by word length or by word score. At the same time, you can learn new words and expand your vocabulary.
Letterpress Cheat is the most complete Help site for the iOS Game Letterpress App version 1.4 With our solver you can sort by length and search by letters. And it works perfectly on your iPhone or iPad!
Great turn-based multiplayer word game released for mobile platforms. It takes inspiration from Boggle and the hit iOS title Scramble with Friends. The no-frills gameplay and simple touch-based controls will charm both casual gamers and word game fans.
Beat any Lexulous Cheat by finding the highest scoring words using the entire Lexulous board. Lexulous Cheat can be used to cheat at Scrabble, Words With Friends, Wordfeud, and Lexulous. Try the Lexulous Word Finder to get more Lexulous help.