#1 Lexulous Helper

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Scrabble Word Finder

Lexulous Helper

The Most Powerful Word Finder will help you Lexulous Helper

Quick Guide:
Dictionaries TWL98/TWL06 usually for USA/Canada; SOWPODS for UK, Australia, Europe etc
Board Tiles: You can enter letters/words from the board and get words that can be combined with them.
Prefix/Suffix: Filter results by specifying a required beginning or ending of words

About Scrabble Word Finder Options
Word Counts Only: find number of possible words only
Score Empty Tiles: choose this if you want question mark letter to be scored
Low Resolution: click this, and answers will be unformatted and will load much faster

Since 2003 we have been generating Scrabble/Lexulous words using our sophisticated engine. Whether you are a professional scrabble/word game player or a casual word warrior, you can considerably fine-tune your skills using anagrammer.

Our voted

Lexulous Helper

will find all of the words that can be formed from a given set of letters (up to 16) and ? (wild) character(s), and determine their scrabble scores. The results can be sorted either by length or by scrabble score.
Please use our Scrabble Helper responsibly. It is up to you to cheat or not to cheat; there is a thin line between cheating and improving your vocabulary. Our professional Scrabble players - who use our solver daily - make sure to click on words and learn dictionary definitions.
scrabble recommendation, UK's biggest newspaper, selected Anagrammer as No. 32 most useful tool on the web.

Lexulous Helper

The Most Powerful Lexulous Helper