8 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

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Found 105 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. Resembling Quakers; Quakerlike; Quakerish.
  1. Of, pertaining to, or designating, the hill Collis Quirinalis, now Monte Quirinale , or a modern royal place situated upon it.
  1. Roman citizens.
  1. 100 qindarka equal 1 lek in Albania
  1. medical practice and advice based on observation and experience in ignorance of scientific findings
  2. the dishonesty of a charlatan
  1. The fourth part; the quarter.
  2. The quarter of a circle, or of the circumference of a circle, an arc of 90, or one subtending a right angle at the center.
  3. (Anal.
  4. An instrument for measuring altitudes, variously constructed and mounted for different specific uses in astronomy, surveying, gunnery, etc., consisting commonly of a graduated arc of 90, with an index or vernier, and either plain or telescopic sights, and usually having a plumb line or spirit level for fixing the vertical or horizontal direction.
  5. a measuring instrument for measuring altitude of heavenly bodies
  6. the area enclosed by two perpendicular radii of a circle
  7. any of the four areas into which a plane is divided by two orthogonal coordinate axes
  8. a quarter of the circumference of a circle
  1. Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
  2. Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
  3. Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
  4. Squared; suited; correspondent.
  5. A plane surface with four equal sides and four right angles; a square; hence, figuratively, anything having the outline of a square.
  6. An aspect of the heavenly bodies in which they are distant from each other 90, or the quarter of a circle; quartile.
  7. The quadrate bone.
  8. To square; to agree; to suit; to correspond; -- followed by with.
  9. a square-shaped object
  10. a cubelike object
  11. having four sides and four angles