4 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

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Found 20 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. A quarry.
  1. A European scallop , used as food.
  2. one of five children born at the same time from the same pregnancy
  1. an Islamic judge
  1. the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
  1. A quadrangle; hence, a prison.
  2. A quadrat.
  3. Evil; bad; baffling; as, a quade wind.
  4. a rectangular area surrounded on all sides by buildings
  5. (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words or sentences
  6. a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
  7. one of four children born at the same time from the same pregnancy
  1. A quagmire.
  2. a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
  1. A mole, bank, or wharf, formed toward the sea, or at the side of a harbor, river, or other navigable water, for convenience in loading and unloading vessels.
  2. wharf usually built parallel to the shoreline
  1. A heifer.
  1. An English coin, a sovereign.
  2. A portion suitable to be chewed; a cud; as, a quid of tobacco.
  3. To drop from the mouth, as food when partially chewed; -- said of horses.
  4. a wad of something chewable as tobacco
  5. something for something; that which a party receives (or is promised) in return for something he does or gives or promises
  6. the basic unit of money in Great Britain and Northern Ireland; equal to 100 pence
  1. A smart, sarcastic turn or jest; a taunt; a severe retort; a gibe.
  2. A short humorous or witty comment or observation, usually spontaneously formed in response to a prior comment.
  3. To taunt; to treat with quips.
  4. witty remark
  5. a witty saying
  6. make jokes or quips; "The students were gagging during dinner"
  1. Released from obligation, charge, penalty, etc.; free; clear; absolved; acquitted.
  2. Any one of numerous species of small passerine birds native of tropical America.
  3. To set at rest; to free, as from anything harmful or oppressive; to relieve; to clear; to liberate.
  4. To release from obligation, accusation, penalty, or the like; to absolve; to acquit.
  5. To discharge, as an obligation or duty; to meet and satisfy, as a claim or debt; to make payment for or of; to requite; to repay.
  6. To meet the claims upon, or expectations entertained of; to conduct; to acquit; -- used reflexively.
  7. To carry through; to go through to the end.
  8. To have done with; to cease from; to stop; hence, to depart from; to leave; to forsake; as, to quit work; to quit the place; to quit jesting.
  9. give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat; "In the second round, the challenger gave up"
  10. go away or leave
  11. turn away from; give up; "I am foreswearing women forever"
  12. give up or retire from a position; "The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month"; "The chairman resigned over the financial scandal"
  13. put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother"
  1. A riddle or obscure question; an enigma; a ridiculous hoax.
  2. One who quizzes others; as, he is a great quiz.
  3. An odd or absurd fellow.
  4. An exercise, or a course of exercises, conducted as a coaching or as an examination.
  5. To puzzle; to banter; to chaff or mock with pretended seriousness of discourse; to make sport of, as by obscure questions.
  6. To peer at; to eye suspiciously or mockingly.
  7. To instruct in or by a quiz.
  8. an examination consisting of a few short questions
  9. examine someone's knowledge of something; "The teacher tests us every week"; "We got quizzed on French irregular verbs"
  1. Quoth; said.
  2. --Kipling.
  3. A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; hence, a prison.