9 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

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Found 26 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. excess carotene in the blood stream; can cause the skin to turn a pale yellow or red color
  1. The yellow discoloration often observed in cancerous tumors.
  2. an abnormal yellow discoloration of the skin
  1. tissue from an animal of one species used as a temporary graft (as in cases of severe burns) on an individual of another species
  1. Ichthyosis.
  2. a mild form of ichthyosis characterized by abnormal dryness and roughness of the skin
  1. Among the primitive Christians, the living on a diet of dry food in Lent and on other fasts.
  1. plant adapted for life with a limited supply of water; compare hydrophyte and mesophyte
  1. plant adapted for life with a limited supply of water; compare hydrophyte and mesophyte
  1. a copy made by a xerographic printer
  1. Same as Limuloidea.
  2. An order of Merostomata, including among living animals the genus Limulus, with various allied fossil genera, mostly of the Carboniferous period.
  1. An engraving on wood, or the impression from such an engraving; a print by xylography.
  1. An instrument common among the Russians, Poles, and Tartars, consisting of a series of strips of wood or glass graduated in length to the musical scale, resting on belts of straw, and struck with two small hammers.
  2. An instrument to determine the vibrative properties of different kinds of wood.
  3. a percussion instrument with wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators; played with small mallets