7 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

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Found 430 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. See Hyacinth.
  2. a red transparent variety of zircon used as a gemstone
  1. A familiar nickname of, or substitute for, John.
  2. An impertinent or silly fellow; a simpleton; a boor; a clown; also, a servant; a rustic.
  3. A popular colloquial name for a sailor; -- called also Jack tar, and Jack afloat.
  4. A mechanical contrivance, an auxiliary machine, or a subordinate part of a machine, rendering convenient service, and often supplying the place of a boy or attendant who was commonly called Jack; as: A device to pull off boots.
  5. A portable machine variously constructed, for exerting great pressure, or lifting or moving a heavy body such as an automobile through a small distance.
  6. The small bowl used as a mark in the game of bowls.
  7. The male of certain animals, as of the ass.
  8. A young pike; a pickerel.
  9. A drinking measure holding half a pint; also, one holding a quarter of a pint.
  10. A flag, containing only the union, without the fly, usually hoisted on a jack staff at the bowsprit cap; -- called also union jack.
  11. The knave of a suit of playing cards.
  12. A game played with small objects , formerly jackstones) that are tossed, caught, picked up, and arranged on a horizontal surface in various patterns; in the modern American game, the movements are accompanied by tossing or bouncing a rubber ball on the horizontal surface supporting the jacks.
  13. Money.
  14. Apple jack.
  15. Brandy.
  1. (Eccl.
  2. One of a society of violent agitators in France, during the revolution of 1789, who held secret meetings in the Jacobin convent in the Rue St.
  3. A fancy pigeon, in which the feathers of the neck form a hood, -- whence the name.
  4. Same as Jacobinic.
  5. A friar of the Dominican order, so named becaise wearing wearing the black mantle of the Dominicans; -- called also predicant and preaching friar; in France, Jacobin.
  1. The religion or worship of Yahweh , or the system of doctrines, etc., connected with it.
  2. Use of Yahweh as a name of God.
  1. See Jehovist, Jehovistic.
  1. The heterodox Hindu religion, founded in the 6th century as a revolt against Hinduism; its most striking features are the exaltation of saints or holy mortals, called jins, above the ordinary Hindu gods, and the denial of a supreme being and of the divine origin and infallibility of the Vedas.