SOWPODS - Collins Scrabble Words

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The name “SOWPODS” was coined as an anagram of OSW+OSPD, the names of the two lexicons (the British Official Scrabble Words and the American Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary) that were originally merged to form SOWPODS. The SOWPODS word list is currently edited by the WESPA Dictionary Committee. The SOWPODS lexicon, more commonly now referred to as Collins or Collins Scrabble Words (CSW), is a word list first published in 2007 by Collins, and updated in 2012, 2015, and 2019. <h2>Search & Lookup Words in the SOWPODS Dictionary (word list)</h2>

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More About SOWPODS - Collins Scrabble Words

SOWPODS, which stands for "Schools, O​fficial, W​ords, P​opularly ​D​efined, and S​lang," is a word list used in Scrabble and other word games. It is derived from the combination of two older word lists, OSPD (Official Scrabble Players Dictionary) used in the USA, and OSW (Official Scrabble Words) used in the UK. Collins Scrabble Words, which includes SOWPODS, is the official word reference used in Scrabble tournaments worldwide.