9 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

Step 1: How many letters in the Answer?

Step 2: Input the known letters:


Step 3: Input letters it is NOT:


Found 3296 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. Pertaining to the doctrines or tenets of Sabellius.
  2. A follower of Sabellius, a presbyter of Ptolemais in the third century, who maintained that there is but one person in the Godhead, and that the Son and Holy Spirit are only different powers, operations, or offices of the one God the Father.
  1. One of a sect among the ancient Jews, who denied the resurrection, a future state, and the existence of angels.
  1. A tea cake slighty sweetened, and raised with yeast, baked in the form of biscuits or in a thin loaf, and eaten hot with butter.
  1. Of or pertaining to Samaria, in Palestine.