OSD4 - French Wordlist

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OSD4 is the dictionary of FRENCH words used by French speaking scrabble players. See: Anagrammer <a href="https://www.anagrammer.com/scrabble/french/ ">French Scrabble Solver</a>

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More About OSD4 - French Wordlist

SOWPODS, which stands for "Schools, O​fficial, W​ords, P​opularly ​D​efined, and S​lang," is a word list used in Scrabble and other word games. It is derived from the combination of two older word lists, OSPD (Official Scrabble Players Dictionary) used in the USA, and OSW (Official Scrabble Words) used in the UK. Collins Scrabble Words, which includes SOWPODS, is the official word reference used in Scrabble tournaments worldwide.