How many letters in the Answer?

Universal Jun 30 2006

"Cheerio" sayer CHAP
"My Fair Lady" horse race ASCOT
"Steppenwolf" novelist HESSE
"The ___ Bride" (Rimsky-Korsakov opera) TSARS
"The ___ of the Rings" LORD
"___ in Boots" PUSS
''Achilles and the Tortoise'' subject Mark TWAIN
''Bye,'' somewhere ADIEU
''Golden Boy'' playwright ODETS
''The Divine Miss M'' BETTE
''Wheel of Fortune'' buy, perhaps ANI
1987 movie starring Cher MOONSTRUCK
A shade of beige ECRU
Abound TEEM
Accepted practice USAGE
Airhead TWIT
Algerian port ORAN
Ampule VIAL
And so THEN
Angelic ring HALO
Apply with a swab DAB
Apr. 15 busybody CPA
Argentine first lady EVITA
Assert without proof ALLEGE
Axis powers, to the Allies ENEMY
Baby boxer PUP
Backside TUSH
Bandleader Kyser KAY
Bay windows ORIELS
Be a pitcher HURL
Become hardened (to) ENURE
Big expense for truckers FUEL
Bit of progress STEP
Bottom of some scales ONE
Burn while ironing SCORCH
Carried, as by the wind BORNE
Carrot-top creator HENNA
Certain Greek letters NUS
Chicken style KIEV
Cleaves RIVES
Coarse particles GRIT
Commissioned naval officer ENSIGN
Comparatively congenial NICER
Crocodile kin GAVIAL
Dams and does SHES
Day for bonnets EASTER
Deceptions RUSES
Definitely not cool UNHIP
Detach, as a campaign button UNPIN
Dismissive scoffs PSHAWS
Don'ts partner DOS
Drug-yielding plant IPECAC
Easy-to-grow houseplant ALOE
Evangelist Roberts ORAL
Falsehood teller LIAR
Faucet annoyance DRIP
Faultfinder NAG
Feed the kitty a penny? ANTE
Fencing blade EPEE
Field furrower PLOW
For the time being PROTEM
German's neighbor DANE
Get under one's skin PEEVE
Got a load of EYED
Got one's goat RILED
Great lack DEARTH
Green sage of film YODA
Group of people, animals or things BEVY
Guileful WILY
Gum-producing plant GUAR
Have a trying experience? TASTE
Hawaiian city HILO
In abundance GALORE
In need of an ice pack SORE
Instill with life ENSOUL
It follows "First of all ..." SECONDLY
It helps pump up the volume AMP
Kachina fashioner HOPI
Keeper's charge INN
Kind of lab dish PETRI
Knock-down-drag-out fight MELEE
Lachrymal droplet TEAR
Like some bank money LOANABLE
Made to mesh GEARED
Maiden name intro NEE
Meal starter? OAT
Measure of gold fineness KARAT
Meet, in poker SEE
Merge metals WELD
Milky white stone OPAL
Mommy's triplets EMS
Music channel MTV
Natural bath accessories LOOFAS
Needle point? ENE
Nefarious deeds CRIMES
North American capital OTTAWA
Novi Sad native SERB
One way to be in love HEADOVERHEELS
Pasta choice RIGATONI
Petty officer YEOMAN
Places for coats PEGS
Poetic pronoun THOU
Polite interrupter AHEM
Practice punching SPAR
Pulled vehicle SLEDGE
Respond to the invite RSVP
Richard Dreyfuss comedy MOONOVERPARADOR
Rocky's greetings YOS
Scented hair ointment POMADE
Scottish terrier SKYE
Sculptor's leaf, perhaps FIG
Sergeant with badge 714 FRIDAY
Ship's frame HULL
Short trip HOP
Shrek, for one OGRE
Sidekick PAL
Sidestep EVADE
Snakelike fishes EELS
Snakelike tropical swimmer MORAY
Some medical grps. HMOS
Son of Cain ENOCH
Songdom's pistol packer MAMA
Sound on the air AUDIO
State of irritation SNIT
Subj. for immigrants, perhaps ESL
Supplier for Wile E. Coyote ACME
Surpassed OUTDID
Talent show once hosted by Ed McMahon STARSEARCH
Talk radio callers PHONEINS
The edge of night DUSK
They fly by night OWLS
Thug's message THREAT
Tough-guy actor Ray ALDO
Transport, as freight HAUL
Tristram Shandy creator STERNE
Tuckered out TIRED
Type of scene MOB
Unwelcome look SNEER
Upon this HEREON
Use a piggy bank SAVE
Walked heavily TROD
Walking ___ (elated) ONAIR
Wears down ERODES
When it comes to bones, they're hip ILIA
White-plumed bird, often EGRET
Whittle down PARE
Word in a Christmas carol title SILENT
Yarn irregularity SLUB
___ de menthe CREME
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