How many letters in the Answer?

Universal Aug 15 2017

"... ___ spacious skies" FOR
"An ___ a day..." APPLE
"And the rockets' ___ glare ..." RED
"Cakes and ___" ALE
"Harrumph" kin PSHAW
"Reduce, ___, recycle" REUSE
"Until tomorrow," in France ADIEU
"We represent the Lollipop ___ ..." GUILD
Accessorize ADORN
Animal foot PAW
Apply Vaseline or jelly SMEAR
Arboreally cornered TREED
Armadillo's armor PLATES
Attachment for capital or real ISM
Balaam's creature ASS
Bangkok monetary units BAHTS
Barbecue sides SLAWS
Barber's sharpener STROP
Be wrong ERR
Beatty of films WARREN
Body sacs BURSAS
Bravery or courage NERVE
Bullets, briefly AMMO
Bumpy, as an old road RUTTED
Certain grad. degree MBA
Chute over a beach PARASAIL
Clothing or garments APPAREL
Country place to fish CREEK
Cues for the forgetful PROMPTS
De Palma or Piccolo BRIAN
Earthly vibrations SEISMS
Employs too often OVERUSES
Eruption particle ASH
Expel forcibly SPEW
From another world ALIEN
Fuses metal WELDS
Garden of Eden emigre EVE
Hymn of praise PAEAN
It causes an extra quarter TIE
It gets mopped up SPILL
Laundry step PRESOAK
Lhasa apso's land TIBET
List of fees BILL
Makes certain ENSURES
Marcel Marceau was voted Most Valuable .. PANTOMIMIST
Meek and timid MOUSY
Mistake GAFFE
More crafty or skillful ADROITER
Moves speedily, old-style HIES
Naval escort ships FRIGATES
No amount at all NIL
Nuclear mergers? FUSIONS
One with a trade PLIER
Org. on a toothpaste box ADA
Palindromic "before" ERE
Perlman or Howard RON
Pretend FEIGN
Racism, e.g BIGOTRY
Read carefully PERUSED
Shed tears CRIED
Show the truth of PROVE
Some jeans LEES
Space between two mountains GAP
Steam or water conduits PIPES
Stepped heavily TROD
Stuffed shirts PRIGS
Suit, old-style BESEEM
The church's top volunteer was voted Most Valuable .. PARISHIONER
The rock in my desk's inbox was voted Most Valuable.. PAPERWEIGHT
Thomas Paine was voted Most Valuable .. PAMPHLETEER
Warm squeeze HUG
Well-seasoned stew SALMI
What drinks do to your whistle? WET
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