How many letters in the Answer?

Universal Aug 03 2007

''Anyone ___?'' ELSE
''As You Like It'' forest ARDEN
''As ___ our agreement'' PER
''Can I take that as ___?'' ANO
''Citizen Kane'' actress Moorehead AGNES
''Like, yesterday!'' ASAP
''___ Angel'' (1959 song) TEEN
''___ Love Her'' (Beatles) ANDI
Alan of ''The Aviator'' ALDA
Ash containers URNS
Beauty or brains, e.g. ASSET
Big wheel CZAR
Bird's-eye view? BEAK
Bit of ocean property ISLET
Call off END
Campfire remains EMBERS
Camporee org. BSA
Cartoon bird ROADRUNNER
Cartoon dinosaur DINO
Cartoon moose BULLWINKLE
Cartoon spell-caster WIZARDOFID
Cartoon witch BROOMHILDA
Cash holder TILL
Clever remarks MOTS
Collections of Icelandic myths EDDAS
Colorist's choices HUES
Compensated REWARDED
Conduct an interview ASK
Country name, 1937-49 EIRE
Cupid by another name AMOR
Cupid's counterpart EROS
Cutting remark GIBE
Desired Scrabble sextet RETINA
Dictator's dictum EDICT
Distinct part SECTOR
Driving hazard SKID
Drum kit SET
Easter preceder NOR
Exploded, as a tire BLEW
Fake book contents SONGS
Far from 22-Down DENSE
Field of play ARENA
Fill, as bases LOAD
Gave the third degree GRILLED
Give a lift, in a way ELATE
Give off EMIT
Greek geometrician EUCLID
Help in a heist ABET
Kind of bagatelle MERE
Like a cheetah FLEET
Like old gossip STALE
List conclusion ETAL
Many have maids BRIDES
Medicine or law, for many CAREER
Memorable march site SELMA
Mentally blessed SMART
Passers use it LANE
Pivot bar LEVER
Pop vocalist Gloria ESTEFAN
Put up ERECT
Renaissance fiddle REBEC
Rocket requirement FUEL
School time SEMESTER
Sea near the Caspian ARAL
Shout to the cuadrilla OLE
Shrieking, screeching, etc. NOISE
Significant impressions DENTS
So it would ___ SEEM
Straight-shooting SINCERE
The chickadee is its state bird MAINE
Three-dimensional scene DIORAMA
Tick carrier DEER
What Ian Thorpe did SWAM
Yogi wore one MITT
You can't have big days without them EVES
___ avis RARA
___ to be different DARE
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