How many letters in the Answer?

Boston Globe May 15 2011

'A Chorus Line' song ONE
'Kiss me, Kate' speaker PETRUCHIO
'Told ya!' SEE
'You are here' symbol ARROW
'__ de boeuf' ROTI
'__ fact?' ISTHATA
Abu Dhabi or Dubai EMIRATE
Act of kissing OSCULATION
Actor Gulager CLU
Actress Lords TRACI
AL Central team CLE
All-inclusive (abbr.) UNIV
Amar'e Stoudemire, e.g. KNICK
Athens sch. OHIOU
Band aide ROADIE
Be behind, maybe OWE
Bean or Welles ORSON
Between assignments IDLE
Biblical leaves? GOETH
Big name in mail order SPIEGEL
Billion (prefix) GIGA
Blown away AWED
Blue dye WOAD
Blue material? SMUT
Board member TRUSTEE
Body shops? SPAS
Catchall abbr. ETC
Chatter JAW
Clothing-store section JUNIORS
Coaster SLED
Company outing? (abbr.) IPO
Concert pianist Claudio ARRAU
Corleone portrayer CAAN
Court nickname SHAQ
Curing solution BRINE
Daughter of Muhammad FATIMA
Debussy subject MER
Deviation ANOMALY
Distiller Walker HIRAM
Disturbs RATTLES
Do something impressive? ETCH
Doo follower DAH
Earth's inheritors? MEEK
Election Day, for ex. TUE
Eliza's tutor, before the lessons ENRY
Embezzles SKIMS
Energizes STIRS
Figure (out) SUSS
Figure skating category PAIRS
Flamenco cry OLE
Former Labor Secretary Elaine CHAO
French-Belgian border river LYS
Garage jobs LUBES
Gateway, for one ARCH
Gentlemen (abbr.) MESSRS
Gettysburg general LEE
Glass of NPR IRA
Grafton's '__ for Malice' MIS
Grant and Irving AMYS
Growing business? FARM
Henry VIII's last in-laws PARRS
High-five, e.g. SLAP
Honeycomb stuff WAX
Interlock ENGAGE
Issues a pledge TROTHS
Kathleen Sebelius's dept. HHS
Lacking depth TWOD
Laugh-a-minute sorts RIOTS
Least amt. MIN
Left Bank locale SEINE
Lester of NBC News HOLT
Like some Keats verse ODIC
Lofty dwelling AERIE
Lush, as a lawn GRASSY
Mach 1 breaker SST
Major star in Carina CANOPUS
Make up your mind OPT
Male delivery? SON
Mass. Inst. of __ TECH
Microwave call BEEP
Monotonous ONENOTE
Montague foe CAPULET
Much-traveled BEATEN
Muffin matter BRAN
Narwhal feature TUSK
Navigation gizmo GPS
New Look designer DIOR
Northern Can. dweller ESK
Not neg. POS
Of boxing FISTIC
Oft-kissed landmark THEBLARNEYSTONE
On the way up ARISING
Overcaffeinated WIRED
Panhandle St. OKLA
Participant in TV's first interracial kiss LIEUTENANTUHURA
Partner of 14 Down CAPTAINKIRK
Perfume ingredient ROSEOIL
Physicist __ Simon Ohm GEORG
Pineapples GRENADES
Plateau's boundary RIMROCK
Playwright Molnar FERENC
Puppy's protest YELP
Rarin' to go READY
Rocker Reznor TRENT
Santa __, California ROSA
Scoreboard side VISITORS
Second-class people? SOPHS
See 111 Across YOURCOLLAR
See 28 Across WORLDWARII
See 37 Down GOESBY
Serengeti critter GNU
Singer Tori AMOS
Site of a kiss photographed at the end of 17 Across TIMESSQUARE
Something to kiss under MISTLETOE
Star pitchers ACES
String on a Christmas tree POPCORN
Sudoku companion KENKEN
Suitable APT
Sushi-wrap seaweed NORI
Swindled HOSED
Temperature scale on which water boils at 80€ REAUMUR
Terms of endearment PETNAMES
Time for a shower APRIL
Tony Soprano's shrink MELFI
Uppity sort SNOB
Weariness FATIGUE
Weightlifting move CURL
Will Smith biopic ALI
With 115 Across, kiss evidence in a song LIPSTICKON
With 66 Down, 'A kiss is just a kiss' song ASTIME
Wound cover SCAB
Youngster (var.) TIKE
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