How many letters in the Answer?

The Telegraph - Cryptic Sep 22 2005

Act up after accidental fall, getting support TRIPOD
An irritating person - nothing but sauce! PESTO
Characters beginning to gamble? ALPHABET
Clothes with some measure of warmth TOGS
Concentrated camping, we hear INTENSE
Corresponded with a desire that's insatiable AGREED
Difficulties with drug doses FIXES
Everybody in debt is conceding ALLOWING
Gets a mean review and finds a pseudonym STAGENAME
How one might treat children with cold hands? KIDGLOVES
In a hurry for group to accept bill RACING
Letters that sound macho? MAIL
Lies around in study, having sold out for cash REALISED
Low tolls for ship's berths MOORINGS
Mark permit in red SCARLET
Moves to support Spain with high feelings EMOTIONS
Mysterious giant mice on the run! ENIGMATIC
One doesn't know about acting so strangely AGNOSTIC
Pockets trophies POTS
Port and lemonade's ultimate cocktail! ADEN
Principal means of achieving progress HEADWAY
Sent mad repairing vehicles? TANDEMS
Shouted that a gong was due! BELLOWED
Splits, with signs of unhappiness TEARS
Student, for example, covered in beer, makes claim ALLEGE
Swerved around opponents at a table like this! VENEERED
To have no beer tie planned is anathema BETENOIRE
Two soldiers (enormous) GIANT
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