How many letters in the Answer?

The Telegraph - General Knowledge Oct 26 2009

1996 film directed by Olivier Assayas IRMAVEP
A parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a case to the doorpost of a Jewish house MEZUZAH
American child star SHIRLEYTEMPLE
Ancient city in Asia Minor, a centre of early Christianity SMYRNA
Another name for Peeblesshire TWEEDDALE
Australian rainforest tree MACADAMIA
Ballroom dance originating in Buenos Aires TANGO
British Prime Minister (1945-51) ATTLEE
Capital of Morocco RABAT
Cathedral city on the River Ouse ELY
Coleridge poem KUBLAKHAN
Drink made from dry white wine and cassis KIR
French composer (1838-75) BIZET
French composer (1922-2001) IANNISXENAKIS
German river, rising in the Teutoburger Wald EMS
Italian painter, regarded as one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance RAPHAEL
Kind of rorqual SEI
Leader of the Khmer Rouge movement that overthrew the Cambodian government in 1975 POLPOT
Lightweight climbing boots KLETTERSCHUHE
Maori chief RANGATIRA
Market town in North Wales DENBIGH
Phoenician princess, traditionally the great-aunt of Dido JEZEBEL
Port and resort in Florida TAMPA
Raised pulpits in early Christian churches AMBONES
Shakespeare's only son HAMNET
Terence --, English photographer DONOVAN
The back part of the head or skull OCCIPUT
The binding of Isaac in the Bible, Genesis 22 AKEDAH
The fabled offspring of a bull and a mare JUMART
Tree with edible seeds containing a valuable oil used in cosmetics JOJOBA
Type of catfish HASSAR
US Attorney General (1961-64) ROBERTKENNEDY
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