How many letters in the Answer?

USA Today Feb 17 2012

". . . unless you want trouble" ORELSE
"Cinderella Man" director Howard RON
"Hammerin' Hank" in Cooperstown AARON
"In ___ of flowers . . ." LIEU
"Lucky Jim" author Kingsley AMIS
"Me too" DITTO
"Monday, Monday" group, minus one? MAMASANDTHEPAPA
"No way, laddie!" NAE
"___ folly to be wise" TIS
"___ Green Tomatoes" FRIED
67.5 degrees on a compass ENE
Absentee ballot PROXY
Air traffic control org FAA
Animal with zebralike legs OKAPI
Associated with college and learning ACADEMIC
Astronomy Muse URANIA
Baby bloomer? BUD
Beginning to care? MEDI
Breathing spell RESPITE
Brings to a halt ENDS
Burden or responsibility ONUS
Churchill's predecessor ATTLEE
Classic men's hat FEDORA
Complain about BEMOAN
Denmark's monetary unit KRONE
Emphatic agreement YESYES
Emulates kangaroos HOPS
Examine again, as a patient RESEE
Fingerprint made visible by dusting LATENT
Gaunt LANK
Get the lead out HIE
Goddess of wisdom and war ATHENA
Group of gods ruled by Odin AESIR
Happen regularly RECUR
Hard to stir STOLID
Investor's dream RICHES
It comes out of a pen INK
It may be involved in checks and balances ATM
Like Zorro or Robin CAPED
Loneliest number, it's said ONE
Long-faced SAD
Lord's lackey SERF
Loving touch PAT
Lowers, as the lights DIMS
Major American network CBS
Military chapeau KEPI
Minor crying wolf? PUP
Navy enlistee SEAMAN
One of two sibling NFL quarterbacks ELI
Palindromic menu phrase ALA
Pertaining to the largest artery AORTAL
Petroleum company HESS
Photo ___ (campaign activities) OPS
Plan for one's later yrs IRA
Played for a sap USED
Possessing the know-how ABLE
Pothole-filling stuff, often TAR
Previous to, in poesy ERE
Proceed on tiptoe SNEAK
Russian pancake BLINI
Russian ruler TSAR
Seamstress' fastener PIN
Sensed somehow FELT
Shy and modest DEMURE
Sis' counterpart BRO
Slithery slayer ASP
Stable babe FOAL
Stole fur MINK
The last place a bachelor walks AISLE
Tire inflater AIRPUMP
Training-room complaint ACHE
Tugboat sound TOOT
Type of flower cluster CYME
Used binoculars PEERED
What a fall guy takes RAP
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