How many letters in the Answer?

USA Today Feb 07 2013

". . . wherefore ___ thou Romeo?" ART
"Before" to poets of old ERE
"Don't mind ___ do!" IFI
"I'm sorry, Dave" speaker of sci-fi HAL
"I, Robot" author Asimov ISAAC
"Rock-A-Bye, Baby" setting TREETOP
"Tsk!" relative TUT
Abbreviation meaning "plus additional things" ETC
Albanian coin LEK
Amuse to the max SLAY
Arabic honorific SHEIK
Barely manage (with "out") EKE
Besmirch TARNISH
Bock alternative PILSNER
Bonnie and Clyde caper HEIST
Bookie transaction BET
British good-byes TATAS
Bustles of activity ADOS
Channel-hop SURF
Christmas bulb or planet, e.g ORB
City near Naples SALERNO
Closed, two-door car COUPE
Clumps of grass TUFTS
Coins for Churchill PENCE
Connected to the Web ONLINE
Creepy EERIE
Depilatory on store shelves NAIR
Dress down SCOLD
Drink made by mixing ale with stout BLACKANDTAN
Emotional intensity ARDOR
Expensive violin, briefly STRAD
Genesis tower BABEL
Grassy plain LLANO
Head count? HAIRS
Horace or Pindar, e.g ODIST
Hotel and motel relative INN
It may need to be cured HAM
Key in ENTER
Lazybones IDLER
Like a timely Timex? TICKING
Like many award ceremonies ANNUAL
More lemony SOURER
Natural pigment made by grinding azurite MINERALBLUE
Nosy Parker SNOOP
Notebook projections TABS
Olympic chant USA
On the ocean ASEA
Orangutan APE
Org. once headed by George Bush CIA
Pasture LEA
Physically weak FRAIL
Porky's penultimate parting word ALL
Put out of commission DISABLE
Question closely GRILL
Savanna predators LIONS
Send up a flagpole HOIST
Setting for many jokes BAR
Sheep bleat BAA
Showgirl Manilow sang about LOLA
Sporting wings ALATE
Sri ___ LANKA
Sub ___ (in confidence) ROSA
Substance used to make ink CARBONBLACK
Sweater style RAGLAN
Sweet, dark edibles BLUEBERRIES
Tariff-eliminating pact signed by Clinton NAFTA
The Wallendas don't use one NET
Tract end? ION
Turkish military title AGA
Visitors from afar, for short ETS
Wallach of "The Tiger Makes Out" ELI
Watched the neighbor's child BABYSAT
Welcoming word in one U.S. state ALOHA
What a fussy director orders RETAKES
What Little Miss Muffet did SAT
Where successful people go? FAR
Word prefixed with "poly" ESTER
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