How many letters in the Answer?

Irish Times (Simplex) Jun 15 2005

Animal's den LAIR
Be contingent upon DEPEND
Causing death FATAL
Change for the better REFORM
Crave, hanker LONG
Difficulty, poser PROBLEM
Directions for making something RECIPE
Expression of intention to harm THREAT
Extensive landed property ESTATE
Fingers and numbers DIGITS
Former communist country RUSSIA
Gin, vodka etc. SPIRITS
Groups of soldiers TROOPS
Grown-ups ADULTS
Informal or happening by chance CASUAL
Irritates, bothers ANNOYS
Item for auction LOT
Languages in the mouth? TONGUES
Military land forces ARMY
Motor vehicle CAR
No longer active in work or profession RETIRED
Not shut or secret OPEN
Not total PARTIAL
Open jars for flowers VASES
Pressed and smoothed IRONED
Profane or solemn expression OATH
Provide with food, clothing and shelter, or encouragement SUPPORT
Provided food FED
Quantity obtained by addition SUM
Recurring rounds of events CYCLES
Reflections of sound waves ECHOES
Scheme, strategy PLAN
Science of interaction of organisms and their environment ECOLOGY
Sloping typeface ITALIC
Soft wet earth CLAY
Striped African equine ZEBRA
Thick, sweet, sticky liquid SYRUP
Thief who enters a building BURGLAR
Up to a time that TILL
Used land to produce FARMED
Victory, great success TRIUMPH
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