How many letters in the Answer?

The Washington Post Feb 06 2019

'60s jacket style nehru
'America's Got Talent' judges' concern starpower
'Next time's for real' justpracticing
'Pet' irritation peeve
'Tell the truth!' liar
'What __!': 'Ick!' amess
'Who Dat Girl' rapper __ Rida flo
'__ my case' irest
Approximate fig est
Area with pews nave
Big name in spydom hari
Bloke guv
Blues legend John __ Hooker lee
Breakfast grain oat
By way of via
Cardiologist heartspecialist
CD predecessors lps
Clinton's first Defense secretary aspin
Clock sound tock
Cocktail garnish peel
Constrain hemin
Copy on a transparent sheet trace
Corkscrew pasta rotini
De __: again novo
Does really well, for a weekend golfer shootspar
Energy unit erg
Exec's hire, perhaps asst
Five-time Olympic swimming gold medalist Ledecky katie
Fizzy prefix aer
Fox News anchor Smith shep
Gets the picture sees
Grande opening rio
Greek marketplace agora
Guitar neck features frets
Hairy spider tarantula
High dos afros
Hurry, old-style hie
Illinois city that symbolizes mainstream America peoria
In first place ahead
It stings bee
It's saved for a rainy day tarp
Jewish deli meat kosherpastrami
Keep up (with) stay
Latvian seaport riga
Leaf-clearing tool rake
Learn from A to Z master
Lifelong pal bestie
Limited in scope, as a committee adhoc
Lithographer James ives
Little newt eft
Looks through, as a keyhole peersinto
Misery woe
Missouri river osage
Monster party bash
Musk's electric car brand tesla
No. on a new car window msrp
Pilgrimage to Mecca hajj
Pub order pint
See 28-Down end
See 58-Across parts
Singer Adams edie
Smelling of mold musty
Sophs, come Sep jrs
Spanish 'that' esa
Spanish 'this' esta
Sporty Ford, to devotees stang
Starlike astral
Storage container bin
Tattered cloth rag
Tennis immortal ashe
Wading birds herons
Whaling direction thar
With 4-Down, fairy tale's last words the
With 62-Across, handyman's assortment, and a hint to what's in each set of circles loose
Word with class or case upper
WWII arena eto
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