How many letters in the Answer?

L.A. Times Daily Jan 04 2015

"Buddenbrooks" author MANN
"Cupid" singer Sam COOKE
"Excuse me ..." AHEM
"Good night, sweet prince" speaker HORATIO
"Not serious" IKID
"Put your money away" ONME
"Sorry, laddie" NAE
"Taxi" dispatcher LOUIE
'80s sitcom puppet ALF
2014 A.L. MVP Mike Trout, for one ANGEL
32-card game SKAT
Advice from a pro TIP
Asian-American actor Philip known for war movie roles AHN
Band booster AMP
Batting postures STANCES
Beaut GEM
Become ill with GET
Belittle DIS
Bilko's mil. rank MSGT
Bit of sneakiness RUSE
Board game staples DICE
Book read during the Jewish holiday Purim ESTHER
Budapest-born magician HOUDINI
Capitol Hill gp CONG
Choral part BASS
Choral parts ALTOS
Cohesion UNITY
College town east of Greensboro ELON
Conserve HUSBAND
Cyberguffaw LOL
D neighbors on most guitars GSTRINGS
Dean's "Lois & Clark" co-star TERI
Destruction RUIN
Director Spike LEE
Displeased IRKED
Dispute settlers ARBITERS
Dog follower SLED
Doing the job ONIT
Dr.'s specialty ENT
Dramatic movie scene CHASE
Duelers in a 1973 hit BANJOS
Enlightened cries AHAS
Enter carefully EASEINTO
Features of Lincoln and Uncle Sam GOATEES
Figures on a rink EIGHTS
Finding a home for an Anaheim team? SITINGDUCKS
First lady after Eleanor BESS
First stage ONSET
Flowers in pens? INKS
French possessive SES
Frightened ALARMED
Furniture-weaving facility? CANINGFACTORY
Go down DROP
Google co-founder Sergey BRIN
Gretchen of "Boardwalk Empire" MOL
Grounded fleet SSTS
Had in one's portfolio HELD
Hairstyle curl RINGLET
Hole starters TEESHOTS
Hosiery thread LISLE
How deadpan humor is delivered DRILY
Howdies YOS
In __ land LALA
Indication SIGN
It made its last commercial flight in February 2014 DCTEN
Jilted "dear" lover who hasn't given up? HOPINGJOHN
John Lennon's middle name ONO
Joins the debate OPINES
Kachina doll maker HOPI
Keep a record of LOG
Labor dispute tactic LOCKOUT
Lac filler EAU
Letters seen next to a 4 GHI
Like some bird calls SHRILL
Liszt's "Piano Sonata __ Minor" INB
London locale ONTARIO
Making a patio out of a garden? TILINGTHESOIL
Making hay when the sun doesn't shine? SNOWBALING
Manicurist's work area? FILINGSTATION
Manuals, e.g HOWTOS
Marine eagle ERN
Mariners' home SEATTLE
Micro- ending COSM
Miles away AFAR
Military competition ARMSRACE
Milk sources UDDERS
NYC subway IRT
Omar of "House" EPPS
One of the teams that made the Pac-10 the Pac-12 UTES
Online crafts store ETSY
Oscar-winning composer Menken ALAN
Oval-shaped dose CAPLET
Palais resident ROI
Parlor design, perhaps TAT
Pinnacle ACME
Place to get refreshed OASIS
Platte River tribe OTOE
Poivre companion SEL
Portfolio component STOCK
Potato often used for fries RUSSET
Pres. or gov LDR
Providing extra digital support? TOETAPING
Rapa __ NUI
Regally dressing aristocrats? ROBINGTHERICH
Reiki practitioner HEALER
Rhodes with a scholarship CECIL
Romantic skunk LEPEW
Scenically patterned fabric TOILE
Seldom seen SCARCE
Shoe parts UPPERS
Skye writing ERSE
Smart __ ALECK
Smoker's buy: Abbr CTN
Some NFL linemen RTS
Spares in boots TYRES
Squeezes (out) EKES
Still puzzled NOWISER
Store SHOP
Surprise attack RAID
Tenth of ten, say LAST
They "had decayed to a mere beautiful futility": Wells ELOI
Thrown for __ ALOOP
Tibiae supporters TALI
Tie securely LASH
Tiny colonists ANTS
Title girl in a 1968 Turtles hit ELENORE
Understanding KEN
Untanned animal skin RAWHIDE
Utility co. unit KWH
Very proper sort PRUDE
Vietnamese port HAIPHONG
Vishnu worshiper HINDU
Visit briefly, as a sick friend LOOKINON
Web chat exchange IMS
Windy City "L" runner CTA
Words to strike up the band HITIT
Words with hunch or bet ONA
Yale alum ELI
__ mask SKI
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