Your Name Anagrammer

e.g. Jennifer Aniston×
1.  Enter your name, word or phrase in the search box and click on the 'Anagram it!' button to view the results.  
2.  You can modify your search results by selecting the maximum number of anagrams, the maximum number of words in each anagram, and/or the minimum number of letters in each word by choosing the number from each designated drop-down list.  
3.  You can also specify which word or phrase must be included in the anagram by entering the particular word or phrase in the 'WORD OR PHRASE' search box.  

More help, instructions & tutorials coming soon. Are you an Anagrammer user who would like to help us write tutorial/help page? Your contribution would be welcome. Please email your text to us.

More help, instructions & tutorials coming soon. Are you an Anagrammer user who would like to help us write tutorial/help page? Your contribution would be welcome. Please email your text to us.